We accept your Tithes in person at the end of Sunday service or online through the Cash App. You can find instructions on how to use the Cash App below. If you are using a check, please make it out to New Life Family Church.
From time to time we take up offerings for various causes. This is in addition to our Tithe. We ask that if you give an offering through the Cash App that you write in the memo column what your donation is going to so we can make sure everything is done properly. If you have any questions feel free to send us an email at NLFC27282@gmail.com or send us a message on our Facebook Page.

The Church's account can be found at this link:
You will need a PayPal account in order to give.
As you know we had some issues with Cash App and the fact it isn’t really set up for business/church activity. We had to make a change with the new FedNow regulations in place. We will be using PayPal as of today, it is free to set up an account, and like Cash App, once you process your first transaction, NLFC will stay in your profile!
I will have print outs of the QR code placed at church as well. We are looking into “Text to Give” and will keep you updated as we get more information.